21 August 2006

my own summer

[ENG]Ok, international news this time: There are a few stuff I want to show today.
First I did the cover of InQuest Gamer magazine n°137.
more infos here

Also the online design magazine NewWebPick has chosen me as "Master" for their 5th issue. A 6 pages interview filled with exclusive content ;) WOW ! It's good to be the king !! LOL
get your copy here

And I'm not finished with you petits vilains !! I'm talking to my fellow Concept Artists wannabes now. If you ever needed to buy one Ballistic book it would be D'artist: Concept Art. And I'm not saying this because I have a tiny illo in it. I'm saying this because it consists on Master Classes by 4 major Concept Artists in the film and video-game industry, including two of my big friends and huge inspirations: Andrew Jones and Nicolas "Sparth" Bouvier. If you ever needed tutorials by some of the biggest concept artists in the f**in' world then just get this book. I myself did learn from it and I'm still not finished with it !

Each of the 4 masters has invited a handful of artists they like and I have to say the french connection is very well represented: my buddy Aleksi Briclot, David (Vyle) Levy, Nicolas (Viag) Ferrand, Thierry (BaronTieri) Doizon, Bruno (Hydropix) Gentile...

get your copy here

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10 August 2006

Rencontres de l'Imaginaire

[FR] Aleksi et moi sommes les invités d'honneur des Rencontres de l'Imaginaire de Brocéliande du 5 Août au 20 Septembre 2006. Une exposition comprenant 16 planches absolument inédites du beau-livre MERLIN que nous sommes encore en train de réaliser vous attend au château de Comper-en-Brocéliande. Le vernissage eut lieu ce dimanche 6 Août en ce lieu magique, en présence de nombreux artistes et écrivains bien connus au nombre desquels figurent Laurent Miny, Didier Graffet, Virginie Ropars, Agata Kawa, Damien Vaillant, Claudine Glot, Pierre Dubois et j'en oublie... Cette exposition fut l'occasion pour Aleksi et moi de nous exprimer sur le contenu de MERLIN (un artbook à paraître aux éditions Soleil début 2007) et d'échanger avec un public très chaleureux. J'en profite pour glisser tout plein de remerciements à l'équipe du Centre Arthurien dont l'efficacité n'a d'égal que leur gentillesse.

Rendez-vous l'année prochaine j'espère pour la sortie de MERLIN.

[ENG] Aleksi and I are the special guests of the "Rencontres de l'Imaginaire" in Britain, France. If you are in Britain between the 5th of August and the 20th of September you should pass by the castle of Comper-en-Broceliande and then have the opportunity to see in exclusivity 16 pages taken from the forthcoming book MERLIN. Merlin will hit the stores somewhere in the beginning of August. I'll talk about it and show some extra features here very soon.

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